Membership Enrollment Options
Membership Enrollment for the Acts2Thrive Community is OPEN NOW through January 15, 2025
We have three annual membership options:
Individual Membership
Household Membership
Village Membership
You may have heard the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”—well, we believe it takes a village to thrive and become the person God created you to be.
We designed the “village membership” option to make this community as accessible as possible by making it easy to band together and join with those you are already in relationship with.
Similar to how friends and families tend to share streaming services & phone plans, the village membership allows several individuals to join via one membership, thereby reducing the cost per person.
At this time, we have no limit to the number of household or village add-ons.
We’d love to see whole families and friend groups embark upon this journey together. However, please note that we will be monitoring enrollments on a daily basis and may impose limits at any time.
We encourage you to connect with those in your circles who may also be interested in joining a community focused on Christ-centered personal development and integrative holistic medical education & support.
Individual Membership Pricing
One-time payment of $5,000 (12 months for the price of 10)
- OR -
12 monthly installments of $499/month
Household Membership Details & Pricing
Base Price:
One-time payment of $5,000 (12 months for the price of 10)
- OR -
12 monthly installments of $499/month
The Household Representative is included in the base price.
Add-On Members: Significant Other and children 16+
Each additional member will cost $250 (if one-time payment) - OR - $25/month
Household Membership Details:
If you have a child under 16 who you believe would benefit from membership, please call our office at (574) 273-3880 and we will explore the possibility of making an exception.
The Household Representative will provide payment and manage the membership. We do not facilitate splitting payments within household memberships.
Household members cannot be added or dropped after enrollment closes, but they can be exchanged/swapped by submitting a “Member Change Form”.
Village Membership Details & Pricing
If you would like to form a village, you may volunteer to be a Village Representative and gather Add-On Members to join your village.
If you don’t know anyone interested in joining Acts2Thrive OR if you'd like to find additional members for your village, fill out this form for assistance forming a village.
Base Price:
One-time payment of $5,000
(There is no monthly installment option for village memberships*)
The Village Representative is included in the base price.
Add-On Members (18+):
Each additional member will cost $350
Village Membership Pricing Table
*We don’t offer a monthly installment option because the reduced price for each member depends on the total number of people in your village. We want to avoid the risk of some people backing out over the course of the year, which would raise the monthly cost for everyone else.
Village Representative Responsibilities:
The Village Representative will pay the total fee upfront and make sure everyone completes their enrollment forms. (Add-On Members will then repay their share to the Representative.)
If you prefer that we collect payment directly from each village member instead, attend an Enrollment Open House or come to the office during business hours with ALL of your village members and we will facilitate payment and enrollment. If you have any questions, please email
Village members cannot be added, dropped, or exchanged.
Bear in Mind:
Due to our limited capacity for one-on-one appointments, only the first 150 members will be guaranteed gynecological care through priority scheduling. All other members interested in accessing gynecological care will receive appointments on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you would like to enroll ASAP in an attempt to secure priority scheduling, you may enroll through an Individual Membership—with either the one-time payment or monthly installment option—and then later upgrade to a Village Membership before the close of the enrollment period. Please Note: This would NOT guarantee priority scheduling for the add-on members.
Refund Policy: All membership payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. However, if you are paying through monthly installments, you may cancel at any time and your membership status will end effective immediately at the time of your cancellation. (Please Note: There is no monthly installment option for village memberships.)
Membership Enrollment is OPEN NOW through January 15, 2025
Click here to learn more about the Acts2Thrive Community!
If you have any questions, give our office a call at (574) 273-3880 during business hours